“Keep on rocking in the virtual world!”
For our loyal clients we sought and found solutions in the form of virtual experiences. Not a plain old Zoom or Teams meeting, but high-end virtual events with keynotes, interaction, and entertainment. Pubmarket! was responsible for the total concept up to the end production. Concept, branding, content creation, keynote presentations, video storytelling, the complete project management, and post-event surveys, we did it all.
For Proximus we organised the employee event #inspire2022, followed by 4,300 employees. The Yi Meeting for Unilever Food Solutions had 9 speakers from 9 countries and was streamed worldwide in 49 countries. For UFS Belgium we realised the online Back to the Future event with a vision on the food-service market in 2021-2023. For Lineas, the biggest private rail-freight operator in Europe, we established #FullForce21, broadcasted in 5 countries. And finally, our production Back on track #TogetherLLBG for La Lorraine Bakery Group attracted almost 4,500 participants in 23 countries and speakers from 13 different countries.

All these international top events were a great learning experience for us and our clients. Online events can be just as inspiring as real-life events, on one condition, absolutely everything must be perfect. The online experience can be just as flabbergasting as an event on stage. The overwhelming reactions from our clients and participants were proof that virtual events are here to stay. They’ll never replace live events, but they can certainly complement each other.