An activation campaign that sounds like music to the ears
A (re)launch was prepared. An activation campaign in co-operation with beer retailers and hospitality entrepreneurs sounded like music to the ears. One with a hefty dose of rock and roll, … it all sounded so good. But then Corona joined the party uninvited. The lockdown and the restrictions afterwards forced us to rethink our campaign. But we did it, and on 17 July we introduced the new beers and campaign to the press and beer retailers in the Muziekodroom. The whole setting was transformed into a Sezoens boiler room and a summer bar. Fully corona-proof, of course.
Beer retailers couldn’t wait
Bob Martens introduced the Sezoens Original and the Sezoens Aparta soon after. Followed by a remarkable solo performance by upcoming talent Ine Tiolants. A beer tasting did the rest. The response in the press was overwhelming and beyond all expectations. The beer retailers couldn’t wait to get their hands on the first pallets of Sezoens beer. It was all worth it!